I have the feeling that I cannot betray this continuity, this thing I carry with me. The burden of history.
Morton Feldman
Quand j’étais jeune, on me disait : “Vous verrez quand vous aurez cinquante ans”. J’ai cinquante ans, et je n’ai rien vu.
Erik Satie
I have nothing to say/ and I am saying it/ and that is poetry/ as I need it.
John Cage "Lecture on Nothing" (1949)
Until I die there will be sounds. And they will continue following my death. One need not fear about the future of music.
John Cage "Experimental Music" (1957)
To understand what music has to be, you have to live for music. Who's ready to do that?
Morton Feldman, quoted in a 1976 interview, published in Desert Plants by Walter Zimmermann.

What has become of my life as a musician?
playing in three ensembles dedicated to contemporary music,
lived in Vienna for 7 years,
having built a house in the heart of Montreal...

Playing and still playing chamber music from all eras with extraordinary people, who are looking to explore challenges outside of their daily safe zones.
A great desire to go back to basics: to play the classical repertoire and re-consider historical interpretation practices.
Teach contemporary music repertoire to students at McGill University's Schulich School.
Collaborate with young musicians and their professors during their studies and during the Summer Academy.
To reduce the orchestra for students in conducting.

And especially capturing the creativity around me. The composers who continually inspire me.